1. When are the workouts posted?

Days 1,2 & 3 are posted Sunday nights at 7pm EST
Days 4 & 5 Thursday nights at 7pm EST

*although we recommend T,W,Th,Sa,Su as your "on" days, make it work however you'd like. Just keep the workouts in the order that are posted.
2. How do I read the workout? 

A. Snatch, 5x3; rest 10s/3m

B. Back Squat @ 30X1, 5x3; rest 3m

C1. CGBP, 3x5.5.5; rest 20s/2m 

C2. CTB Pull-Up, 3x10-15; rest 2m
MAP 7 @ 80% aerobic (20-25 min total work)

- A, B: specific strength pieces

- C1, C2: Superset

- 5x3: Always sets x reps

- @ 30X1: Tempo,
                  3 sec down (eccentric)
                  0 sec pause
                  X-plode up (concentric)
                  1 sec at top

- 3x5.5.5; rest 20s/2m: Clusters; 3 sets of 5 reps (rest 20 sec), 5 reps (rest 20 sec), 5 reps (rest 2 min)

- +: Moving into energy or skill work for the day

- MAP 7 @ 80% aerobic: Create your metcon following the "Energy System Template" link from the home page. Follow the rules and plug and play! 80% aerobic means at 80% of your max aerobic capacity. So, if you performed and aerobic test (30 min row, for instance) and your avg HR was 170 BPM, 80% of that effort would be 136 BPM. Or just go off of feel.

An example of MAP 7 work with 20 min total work would be:

AMRAP 10 @ 80% aerobic
200m run
15 BJ 10 Pull-Ups
5 PC 115/75#
-rest 5 min-

It may take a few training sessions, but you will find out what kind of metcons elicit the response we
are looking for. Ask any additional questions here. 
3. What are the abbreviations? 

BS: Back Squat
FS: Front Squat
OHS: Overhead Squat
DL: Deadlift
BP: Bench Press
CGBP: Close Grip Bench Press (14-16")
PP: Push Press
PJ: Push Jerk
SJ: Split Jerk
PC: Power Clean
PS: Power Snatch
HPC: Hang Power Clean
HPS: Hang Power Snatch
HS: Hang Snatch
HC: Hang Clean
S2OH: Shoulder-to-Overhead
G2OH: Ground-to-Overhead
RFESS: Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat (3 paces away from box/bench)
BTN: Behind the Neck
AD: Airdyne
FLR: Plank in a push-up position
COVP: Chin Over Vertical Plane, chin must travel over the bar's vertical plane
C2B or CTB: Chest To Bar, chest must make contact at or below clavicle
EMOM: Every Minute On the Minute, work performed at the top of the minute
TnG: Touch and Go, no letting go of the bar or pausing between reps
UB: Unbroken, work done in one single set
BW: bodyweight
GHD: Glute-Ham Developer machine
GHR: Glute Ham Raise (on GHD or otherwise)
KB: kettlebell
DB: dumbbell
AMRAP: As Many Reps/Rounds as Possible, during the specified timeframe or set.
AMSAP: As Many Seconds as Possible, during prescribed exercise/movement
AFAP: As Fast as Possible
HSPU: Handstand Pushup, performed with feet against a wall
MU: Muscle-Up (rings)
Bar MU: Muscle-Up (bar)
DU: Double Under
TU: Triple Under
Def: Deficit, add additional range of motion to the movement
4. What is z1? What are these %s for efforts?

- z1: sustainable, conversational pace. Very Easy
- 80-90% aerobic: tough, but sustainable. 80-90% of your max aerobic capacity
- 85-95%: Tough lactic effort, "toeing the line"
- All Out: test pace

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